Vi er eksperter i entrepriseret, og vi har i over fire årtier været førende leverandør af juridisk rådgivning og bistand til bygge- og anlægssektoren. Som advokater for bygherrer, entreprenører, tekniske rådgivere, forsikringsselskaber, financierer og investorer har vi været involveret i de fleste større bygge- og anlægsprojekter i Danmark i nyere tid.
Vores grundsten
Entrepriseret har været vores grundsten lige siden firmaets begyndelse. Vi har opbygget en viden om og forståelse for branchen, som går dybere end de flestes.
Vi rådgiver om alle aspekter af entrepriseret. Fra udarbejdelse af kontrakter og fællesbetingelser/særlige betingelser til rådgivning om forsikringsforhold og offentlig regulering samt behandling af krav i alle afskygninger.
Vi bistår også med risikostyring og konfliktforebyggelse. Hertil kommer håndteringen af de udbudsretlige udfordringer samt førelse af rets- og voldgiftssager, som med tiden har udviklet sig til selvstændige specialer.
De projekter, vi er involveret i, spænder over traditionelle bygge- og anlægsprojekter til infrastruktur, hospitalsbyggerier, procesanlæg, kraftværker og off-shore projekter som f.eks. vindmølleparker.
Særlige byggeformer og internationale projekter
I sin søgen efter optimering udvikler byggebranchen nye aftaleformer, som vi ofte rådgiver om. Det gælder f.eks. offentlige-private partnerskaber (OPP), partnering, tidligt udbud og ESCO-aftaler.
Vi rådgiver ikke kun om projekter inden for landets grænser. Vi er løbende involveret i udenlandske projekter f.eks. i Nordeuropa og Afrika samt off-shore projekter, og vi har opnået et indgående kendskab til internationale standardkontrakter som FIDIC og NEC3.
Advokater for arkitekter og ingeniører
De tekniske rådgiveres retsforhold har vi et nært forhold til. Vores klienter tæller flere af landets førende arkitekt- og ingeniørfirmaer, som vi løbende rådgiver om alle typer spørgsmål, og vi står bag kommentaren ABR 18 – Almindelige bestemmelser for teknisk rådgivning og bistand.
Vi fører også en lang række sager om arkitekters og ingeniørers rådgiveransvar som advokater udpeget af forsikringsselskaber.
Fast ejendom og ejendomsudvikling
Ud over entrepriseret og rådgiverret bistår vi offentlige og private klienter i forbindelse ejendomsudviklingsprojekter, herunder ikke mindst by- og arealudviklingsprojekter i offentlige-private samarbejder, samt i forbindelse med køb og salg af fast ejendom, herunder offentlige myndigheders køb af skræddersyet byggeri.
Vi har siden 1994 været Metroselskabets faste rådgiver i alle entrepriseretlige og udbudsretlige forhold vedrørende Metroen i København, senest i forbindelse med Cityringen (21 mia. kr.) og forgreningen til Nordhavn (ca. 2 mia. kr.).
Vi har bistået Realdania By i forbindelse med etableringen af byudviklingsprojekter i partnerskab med kommuner landet over.
Vi rådgiver LINK arkitektur AS og Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects K/S i forbindelse med en udvidelse af Hvidovre Hospital (30.000 m2 til en værdi på ca. 1,7
“VILTOFT has been very strong in handling complex and sophisticated matters and has supported us in handling huge construction projects professionally and with a high level of success.” (2024)
“They are straight and to the point, with clear opinions and recommendations.” (2024)
“VILTOFT is always able to handle huge cases in the best possible way and are always ready to react with all the necessary effort.” (2023)
“They are a very skilled team with a lot of experience, and they are very service-minded and always ready to run an extra mile for clients.” (2023)
“They are very strong and always solution-oriented.” (2023)
“Clients appreciate the firm’s excellent “expertise within building, design and construction law.”* (2022)
““The firm has impressed me with its legal knowledge and experience,” says a client, adding that the lawyers are “very good at explaining the commercial conditions and comparing them with other similar disputes.”” (2021)
“An interviewee attests to the firm’s market-leading reputation, also noting that “the team members work fast, they are direct and precise in their answers and they have a pleasant attitude.”” (2021)
”Market-leading construction boutique” (2020)
”… down-to-earth legal services with the client at the centre” (2020)
“… a best-in-class and high-quality law firm in the construction business” (2020)
“A powerhouse within the industry.” (2015)
“… this boutique firm has made construction law the cornerstone of its business” (2015)
“In the top tier for construction.” (2015)
“…. particularly well-known for construction and public procurement” (2014)
“One of the best for construction.” (2013)
“… has a special niche in construction where its pratice is really at the top.” (2009)
“Viltoft is a specialised real estate and construction boutique. They are probably the leading construction firm in construction law and public procurement in Denmark. They provide second to none service with high ethical standards.” (2024)
“Viltoft is a very skilled and knowledgeable team with a staff of very good analysts. The staff is very interested in learning about the deeper practical challenges behind the different legal questions, and the team has a very broad understanding of the law foundation and history behind it. If one person cannot answer questions on their own, there will normally always be another person in the team who can. When you ask for help, Viltoft will normally be quick and swift to return your request.” (2024)
“The teams seems very competent and deals professionally with queries and subjects at hand. Very straight forward and clear in communication, opinions and recommendations.” (2024)
“Easygoing and good-spirited individuals. Communicate clearly and easy to read and understand.” (2024)
“The highly competent and devoted team is outstanding, professional, and skilled. They have strong knowledge.” (2023)
“Their knowledge and their approach to the task is always at a very high level in a very manageable way. In addition, the tasks are solved to great satisfaction and with a short response time.” (2022)
“Viltoft is a specialized and knowledgeable company when it comes to Danish construction law and the Danish type of contracts AB and ABT. Viltoft can also place Danish construction law into international perspective.” (2022)
“Viltoft offers advice and assistance with a deep understanding of the daily business of the construction industry. This makes for actual and operational advice and assistance, with is more seldom then it should be.” (2022)
”Excellent construction boutique”. (2016)
“VILTOFT is appreciated for its ‘intelligent strategies, constructiveness in facing challenges, and professionalism’” (2014)
“… has some of Denmark’s best construction lawyers.” (2012)
“… probably the leading firm in construction law and public procurement.” (2010)